What Is Technical SEO? 10 Best Practices and the Basics

What Is Technical SEO 10 Best Practices and the Basics 1

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO aims to improve a website’s technical standing to improve search engine rankings for its pages. Making a website speedier, easier to crawl, and more understandable for search engines are the three pillars of technical optimization. On-page SEO, which concentrates on bolstering components of your website to improve rankings, provides technical SEO. It opposes off-page SEO, which is concerned with expanding a website’s exposure through other means.

What are the benefits of technical SEO?

You could be tempted to completely disregard this SEO element, yet it is crucial to your organic traffic. Even if you have the most thorough, informative, and well-written content, if a search engine cannot crawl it, very few people will ever read it. When a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Your content won’t be understood by search engines unless it has a strong technical SEO foundation.

The end result of technical SEO is that a fully optimized site will generate more organic traffic, but there are numerous individual benefits to implementing technical SEO.

The Impact of Technical SEO on Google

The goal of Google and other search engines is to deliver the most relevant results to users. As a result, Google’s robots scan the web and assess each page according to a number of factors. Some factors, such as how quickly a page loads, are based on the user’s experience. Other elements help search engine robots comprehend the subject matter of your pages. Structured data, for example, accomplishes this. Therefore, by enhancing technical elements, you make it easier for search engines to crawl and comprehend your website. If you perform well in this task, you may be rewarded with higher rankings. Or even earn yourself some wealthy outcomes!

It also works the other way around: you could lose money if your website has major technological flaws. You wouldn’t be the first person to accidentally include a trailing slash in the incorrect location in your robots.txt file, preventing search engines from scanning your website fully.

But don’t think you should focus on a website’s technical details just to please search engines. A website must first perform properly, which means it must be quick, clear, and easy for users to use. Thankfully, establishing a strong technical foundation frequently results in improved user and search engine experiences.

The Significance of Technical SEO

Even with the best content and a website of the highest caliber, poor technical SEO will prevent it from ranking. Why? Your pages should be accessible to search engine algorithms so that they can crawl them and comprehend the content so that they may index them for relevant search queries.

  • Your search engine results page (SERPs in Digital Marketing) are impacted by technical SEO.
  • The choices and behaviors of your website visitors are influenced by technical SEO.
  • Your website’s conversion rates, lead generation, and revenues are impacted by technical SEO.
  • Your business may compete with rivals who also utilize technical SEO by using it.
  • As a digital marketing tactic, technical SEO maximizes your SEO’s return on investment.

Technical SEO Best Practices

  1. Use HTTPS:

A secure variant of HTTP is HTTPS.

It helps prevent the compromise of sensitive user information like passwords and credit card numbers.And since 2014, it has served as a ranking signal.Simply visiting your site will show you whether it employs HTTPS or not.To verify, simply look for the “lock” icon in the address bar.

Installing an SSL certificate is necessary in this situation.The identity of the website is verified by an SSL certificate. Additionally, it creates a secure connection whenever users access it. Let’s Encrypt offers SSL certificates for no cost.

  1. Make sure there is just one version of your website that users and crawlers can access: 

Only one of these two versions of your website should be accessible to users and crawlers.


The availability of both versions raises issues with duplicate content.

Also, it lessens the effect of your backlink profile because not all websites link to the “www” version; rather, they link to the “non-www” version. Your ranking on Google may suffer as a result.  Use one version of your website exclusively, then. And point the other version at your primary website.

  1. Increase Page Speed:

Both for mobile and desktop searches, page speed is a ranking consideration. Thus, ensure that your website loads as quickly as possible. You may verify the current performance of your website using Google’s Page Speed Insights service.

  1. Check that your website is mobile-friendly:

Google indexes mobile-first. This means that it indexes and ranks material based on mobile versions of webpages.  As a result, ensure that your website is mobile-friendly.  To see if this is true for your site, visit the “Mobile Usability” report in Google Search Console.

  1. Structured Data should be utilized:

Structured data assists Google in better understanding a page’s content. Your pages can also gain rich snippets by using the proper structured data markup code. Rich snippets are more appealing search results that include more information beneath the title and description.

Rich snippets have the advantage of making your pages stand out from the crowd. Which of the following can increase your CTR? (click-through rate).

  1. Find & Fix Issues With Duplicate Content:

When there are exact or almost identical passages of text on different pages of your website, you have duplicate content. 

  1. Find and Repair Broken Pages:

Broken pages on your website have a bad impact on user experience. Also, if those pages contain backlinks, those links are useless because they lead to defunct resources. 

  1. Improve Your Robots.txt: 

Robots.txt is a text file in your website’s root directory that instructs search engines on which pages of your website to crawl and add to their index.

This file’s format is very simple, and you shouldn’t have to make any changes to it in most cases.

  1. Examine Your Canonical URLs:

It’s a simple and quick method to instruct Google to index your website with the most recent version of a page. The idea is similar to that of the preferred domain, where different URLs can lead to the same page.

When you have pages with similar content, for paging purposes, or when you add content from other websites to your website, you can use the rel=”canonical” tag to prevent issues with duplicate content.

  1. XML Sitemap Improvement:

XML sitemap optimization is one of the key components of technical SEO. An XML sitemap is a file that contains a list of all the pages and posts on your website. 

It also includes the dates that they were published and last updated in addition to their title. When crawling a website, search engines can use the XML sitemap as a reference.

Conclusion: Why you should focus on Technical SEO

Technical SEO is important because it assists you in creating a website that search engines can easily understand. If a search engine can correctly crawl, index, and render your webpages, your chances of ranking in search results improve.

So, in a nutshell, this is technical SEO. Even though we have just begun to scratch the surface of it, it is already quite a bit. There is a tonne more to say about SEO’s technical aspects!

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