What is cPanel? How to login to cPanel

What is cPanel? How to login to cPanel

What is cPanel?

cPanel is a web-based Linux-based graphical user interface (GUI) that serves as a control panel for website and server administration.

You can use cPanel to publish websites, manage domains, organise online files, and set up email accounts, among other things.

In the U. S., cPanel is one of the most often used control panels. Customers can get cPanel as part of their hosting package from several web hosting companies.

What is cPanel Video Tutorial

cPanel offers two user interfaces: a cPanel user interface and a Web Host Manager server management interface (WHM). This combination gives customers control over their websites while also giving hosting companies capabilities to maintain their servers.

How to login to cPanel

Using the address bar of your browser, you may access your cPanel. Put your website’s address first, then a comma, and then 2083. The URL for your cPanel would be https://yourwebsite.com:2083.

You can also access your cPanel by adding /cpanel to the end of your website address. It will look like this when you use this approach to log in to your cPanel: https://yourwebsite.com/cpanel.

Select your language from the list at the bottom of the cPanel login screen if you require the cPanel interface to appear in another language.

You might find it useful to bookmark your cPanel page before logging in so you can easily return to it later.

Enter your username and password on the cPanel login screen and click the Log In button. You will then be routed to your website control panel, where you can view all of your settings.

How to login to cPanel Video Tutorial

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