What Is Guest Posting in SEO? 6 Types & A Complete Guide for Beginners

What Is Guest Posting?

As part of a content marketing strategy known as Guest Posting, people or organizations write and publish articles or blog posts on another person’s website or blog. Writing material that is of a high standard, instructive, and pertinent to the target market and industry of the host website is required.

Contacting website owners, blogger, or editors of renowned platforms and proposing to write an article as a guest writer are standard steps in the procedure. In the event that their submission is approved, a guest author writes original content for the host website and typically includes a short author bio and a link to their own website or blog. A new audience is then introduced to the guest author’s work when the article is then published on the host website.

Both the guest author and the host website can profit from guest posting in a number of ways. It gives the guest author a chance to demonstrate their knowledge, establish their authority, and connect with more readers. Additionally, it can facilitate the development of connections with thought leaders and industry influencers. From the viewpoint of the hosting website, guest articles provide readers with new perspectives and insightful information, and they may also result in more traffic and exposure from the audience of the guest author.

It’s crucial to remember that guest posting must be done properly and with the sincere intention of benefiting the audience of the host website. In order to avoid penalties from search engines like Google, it shouldn’t be utilized exclusively for link building or self-promotion.

Types Of Guest Posting

There are several types of guest posting that can be employed as part of a content marketing strategy. Here are a few common types:

Professional Guest Posts:

These are articles written by industry experts or professionals who have specialized knowledge in a particular field. Expert guest posts aim to provide valuable insights, share expertise, and offer unique perspectives to the host website’s audience.

Bloggers Guest Posts:

Influencer guest posts involve collaborating with well-known influencers or thought leaders in a specific niche. These individuals have a large following and a strong online presence. By having them contribute content to a website, it can help increase the site’s credibility and attract more traffic.

Listicle Guest Posts:

Listicle guest posts are articles that present information in a list format, such as “Top 10 Tips,” “5 Ways to Improve,” or “7 Best Practices.” These types of posts are often popular because they are easy to read, digestible, and provide concise information.

Guest posts on Case Studies:

Depth analysis guest posts involve sharing real-life examples or success stories related to a particular industry or topic. They typically provide in-depth analysis, results, and insights, making them valuable resources for readers seeking practical knowledge and inspiration.

Tutorials and How-To Guides:

How-to guides or tutorials are instructional guest posts that provide step-by-step instructions on accomplishing a specific task or solving a problem. They offer practical advice and actionable tips to the host website’s audience.

Summary Posts:

Roundup guest posts involve curating opinions, tips, or insights from multiple experts or individuals within a niche. The host website collects contributions from various sources and compiles them into a single post, offering a comprehensive view of a topic.

These are just a few examples of the types of guest posting that can be utilized. The choice of guest post type depends on the goals, target audience, and the preferences of both the guest author and the host website.

A Complete Guide for Beginners:

Here is a step-by-step instruction sheet to assist you get started if you’re new to guest posting:

Target Your Goals:

Decide what you hope to accomplish with your guest article. It may be boosting your internet presence, establishing authority in your field, increasing website traffic, or growing your network. You’ll be able to maintain concentration throughout the procedure if you have specific goals.

Websites Research:

Look for websites or blogs that align with your expectation and target audience. Identify reputable and authoritative sites that accept guest posts. You can use search engines, social media, or guest post directories to find potential targets. Make a list of websites you’d like to approach

Study Guidelines of Each website:

Once you’ve selected your target websites, carefully read their guidelines for guest contributors. Pay attention to their content requirements, preferred topics, word count, formatting guidelines, and any specific instructions they provide. Understanding their expectations will increase your chances of getting accepted.

Analyze Duplicate Content:

Familiarize yourself with the type and style of content published on the target website. Read their blog posts or articles to understand the tone, structure, and topics that resonate with their audience. This will help you tailor your guest post to fit their style and preferences.

Develop Content Ideas:

Brainstorm topic ideas that are relevant, engaging, and valuable to the target website’s audience. Consider their readers’ pain points, interests, and common questions. Choose topics that allow you to showcase your expertise and provide unique insights. Avoid topics that have already been extensively covered on the target site.

Make a Compelling Pitch:

Write a personalized and concise email pitch to the website owner, editor, or guest post coordinator. Introduce yourself, briefly explain why you’d be a valuable contributor, and propose your topic ideas. Highlight any relevant credentials, previous writing experience, or notable achievements. Customize each pitch for every website you approach.

Write a Quality Content:

Once your pitch is accepted, start writing your guest post. Follow the guidelines provided by the host website and craft an article that is well-researched, informative, and engaging. Structure your content logically, use subheadings, and incorporate relevant examples or case studies to enhance readability.

Include Out-source Links:

Most guest posts allow authors to include a brief author bio at the end, along with a link back to their own website or blog. Write a concise bio that highlights your expertise and includes a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage readers to visit your website or follow you on social media.

Recheck & Submit:

Before submitting your guest post, thoroughly edit and proofread it for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. Ensure that the content flows smoothly and is free from typos. Consider using online tools or asking a trusted friend or colleague to review your post for additional feedback.

Submit and Follow Up:

Send your guest post to the website owner or editor as per their submission guidelines. Be patient and wait for their response.

Engage with Readers:

Once your guest post is published, actively engage with the audience by responding to comments, questions, or feedback. This helps build connections and establishes your presence as an expert in your field.

Remember, guest posting is a long-term strategy, and it may take time to see significant results. Be consistent, persistent, and focused on providing value to both the host website’s audience and your own goals.


In conclusion, guest posting is a valuable content marketing strategy that offers numerous benefits to both the guest author and the host website. By writing and publishing high-quality content on relevant platforms, guest authors can increase their online visibility, establish themselves as industry experts, drive traffic to their own websites or blogs, and expand their network by connecting with other professionals.

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