Why Is an SSL Certificate Necessary?

You’ve probably discovered that some website URLs begin with HTTP and others with HTTPS. The “s” represents secure encryption, which can only be guaranteed by an SSL certificate. It’s common on websites that ask for sensitive information like credit card numbers, home addresses, and financial information.
Is SSL Certificate Necessary?
Let’s start with the basics:
What is SSL Certificate?
An SSL certificate encrypts data as it travels from the user’s computer to the target website and back. When a user enters information into your site, SSL ensures that it travels securely from their browser to your web server.
If you’re not sure if your site has SSL, you can easily find out by looking at the URL. If it begins with HTTP, you are not secure; if it begins with HTTPS, your website has an SSL certificate.
Some web browsers have finally started publicly shaming sites that do not use SSL. Different browsers have implemented various indicators to determine whether a site is secure.
For example, Google Chrome will display a ‘not-secure’ warning in the browser bar, whereas Firefox will display a ‘non-secure’ warning.
Buy your level of validation and start protecting your users from identity theft right away.
Your SSL certificate does more than just protect your transactions and your customers’ personal data. It will also aid in the development of trust between you and your consumer base, thereby enhancing the credibility of your company.
Reasons why your website need SSL
- The following are the reasons why your website need SSL:
- If your site requires a registration, SSL is required to protect usernames and passwords.
- If you use forms that ask for sensitive client information, you’ll need SSL to prevent hackers from stealing your information.
- An SSL certificate may be required if your website is an ecommerce site.
Benefits of SSL Encryption
- To protect users’ sensitive information, high encryption levels of up to 256-bits are used.
- Protects consumers’ information against scammers and threats with robust encryption.
- Reduces the risk of hacking, eavesdropping, and man-in-the-middle attacks by securing websites.
- Can have a beneficial impact on Google’s assessment of your website.
- Establishes a secure shopping environment – This is required for websites that accept payments.
- Validates your business and improves your brand reputation by obtaining a certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA)
- Displays a green address bar along with the name of the organisation (Only for EV SSL).
- Increase user trust and confidence while increasing earnings – Users trust websites that have the’secure connection’ indication.
How secure would you feel if your browser warned you that a website was “not secure”? Because that is what will be displayed if you do not have an SSL certificate in the upcoming version of Chrome. Do you wish to have that? You, of course, do not.
So, what are you holding out for? Check out our super-affordable SSL certificates to add an impenetrable layer of security to your website.
Buy/Renew SSL Certificate with F60 Host
Increase the level of encryption on your website by purchasing or renewing an SSL Certificate from one of the world’s leading SSL brands, such as Comodo, Thawte, GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Sectigo, Symantec, and others, at a reduced price.