Host 1 Website
No Free Domain
1 Email Accounts
250 MB Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Control Panel
Google Optimized
Host 50 Website
1 Free .Com Domain Included
30 GB Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Free SSL Certificate
Website Builder
Control Panel + 1 Click Installer
WordPress Optimized
50 MySQL DB's
Host Unlimited Website
1 Free .Com Domain Included
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Free SSL Certificate
Website Builder
Control Panel + 1 Click Installer
WordPress Optimized
Unlimited MySQL DB's
Do you need a website? That's exactly what we were hoping you'd say. F60Host LLP provides a terrific starting point for ambitious website owners: shared hosting options that won't break the bank or add to your to-do list. Our Shared Hosting plans are designed for novices, with a user-friendly interface and customizable options to meet your needs.
Our Shared Hosting options can get your site set up with professional, customisable themes and must-have plugins, whether you're running an e-shop, a company website, or a killer blog. We provide round-the-clock service, regular upgrades, and helpful information in addition to assisting you with the latest tools and technology for your website.
Allowing your visitors to wait for long periods of time to load is not a good idea. Your website, caching, and database queries will all be 200 percent faster with than with traditional HDDs. That means your visitors will be able to enjoy your website without having to wait for it to load. This isn't the place to take a number!
You'll need a website that can handle a lot of traffic. We've created all of our services with optimum WordPress performance in mind because we're basically WordPress' biggest fan. All of our technology, from our servers to database software, is designed to run WordPress like a dream, ensuring that you receive the best setups for your website. In addition, one-click install and automatic updates make integration a breeze.
We've got you covered. We courageously keep an eye on things for you since we're so dedicated to preserving your goods, so you can get back to doing what you do best: running a kick-butt website that will always deliver for your guests.
All of your domains may be tracked, updated, transferred, purchased, and managed in one spot with our domain manager. Unlimited add-on and parked domains, subdomains, and even domestic and international domains are available with Plus and Business Pro accounts.
Our technology detects websites that are consuming a lot of resources and sends them to isolated systems for a while. This protects the performance of your website and reduces the danger generally associated with shared servers.
Each SSL Certificate supplied is powered by Let's Encrypt and helps safeguard the connection between your website and your users. Personal information, e-commerce transactions, and other sensitive data are all protected in this way.
A smart-design editor that makes website creation easier for both novices and experts. Quick-to-use templates, mobile editing, custom CSS, a stock picture library, and more are all available to assist you in creating amazing websites.
Begin with the most basic features and progress to more advanced options as your website grows. With our proprietary technology, you may update in a matter of seconds.